Let's Think Together
Don't I Wish
Published on January 17, 2007 By ThinkAloud In Home Improvement
Working and living overseas in developing countries can get you spoiled.

You can have a house keeper, a chauffeur and a gardener too. I never hired one of those, I was by myself and just used the doorman to do the things I needed done.

But now, we can really use a house keeper, full time, live-in or whatever you call it.

My wife and I can really use that. The kids have grown and have their own lives now, and they visit often and we enjoy the grandkids tremendously. they make a mess and give us a headache and we love it. when they leave we feel sad and the kids frown, they want to stay with Gampy and Gammy. but we feel relieved. one of life's funny contradictions. but we forget the agony in the process of trying to straighten things out after they leave. And it hits me. Why can't we and I am sure many many people like us have a live-in house keeper. Of course I know the reason. We can't afford it.

We use a weekly maid-service, and we hire a good man to cut the grass and people to take care of the lawn in the summer. But we can't afford a live-in house keeper or even a full-time one.

Then I thought about overseas and how it is affordable there.

The magical solution is something the whole country is up in arms because of it.

Guest-Workers !!!!!!

What is wrong with that? I cant even think of one negative thing about it.

I can't afford to hire a full time house keeper even at the old min. wage. That is more than $1500 a month including all SS and other benefits. I cant afford that.
Would any American citizen work for less than that. anyone? even a lousy house-keeper?

but I know for sure that many people from other less fortunate countries would be more than happy to do it as live-ins for no more than $200 a month Plus room and board of course. Why can't we do that here in our own country?

I would be more than happy to pay double that for an American live-in, but would anyone accept that? and if not why are we against bringing those who would accept it.

We import products from these same countries, why cant we import their services too? we outsource our service needs, why can't we also import our service needs if it is economical.

what are we afraid of?

The more I think about it, it boggles my mind that we are not enjoying the benefits of living as our financial power allow us to live and in the same time denying other less fortunate people the opportunity to earn what is considered, for them, a fantastic wage.

We really are something of an odd ball in this world, aren’t we?

on Jan 17, 2007
(denying other less fortunate people the opportunity to earn what is considered, for them, a fantastic wage)

Not to mention the huge benefits for our OWN economy. Just imagine the following:

with 300 million people we roughly have 75 million families. I think no less than 30 million of them can afford to pay $200/month Plus room and board for a live-in. and let's assume that only 10 million will actually do that.

assuming that room and board of the live-in will cost $100/month. also assume that the live in will send half their wages to their families back home.

Isn't that about $2B/month being pumped into the economy, that is about $700B per yr. I think it would be more, but that is just a minimum. And that is not the only benefit either.

how many seniors are willing to have a live-in to take care of them instead of going to a senior's home?

and how much would that save for the government in assissted-living costs they pay now?

if you add the gardeners and chauffers people will hire you can easily double that input into the domestic economy.

Why can't we do that?
on Jan 17, 2007
I wish i can send this idea to all the people in congress and let them answer that question?

Does anyone of them read JU? i hope so -