Let's Think Together
Coincidence or By Design
Published on August 17, 2007 By ThinkAloud In US Domestic
I have been watching from the sidelines for a few weeks now. So many things are happening I can’t help but wonder what is going on. So much nonsense going on I can’t help but wonder where these people are living. In the same universe as the rest of the country?

The more I watch and wonder and go back in time I can’t help but notice a very sad phenomenon. Since early 1980's till now the country, our USA, have suffered several major setbacks and calamities. The list includes: Challenger's disaster, Savings & Loan fiasco, Iran-Contra affair, Successive maintenance -related refinery accidents, First Gulf-War, 9/11 Attacks/war in Afghanistan, Iraq war, Corporate malfeasance epidemic, Katrina-Relief disaster, Columbia disaster, Mine-collapse epidemic, Bridge-collapse/High-way failures epidemic, and now the Sub prime rate/Mortgage problem.

It is really a long list. I may have missed few other calamities. Looking at this list and the presidents in charge at the time the following is very obvious:

From 1981 to 2007 we had 8 years of Democrat's Administration and 19 years of Republican's Administration. All the above calamities occurred during those 19 years of Republican's Administrations. Is that a coincidence or there is an underline cause for that.

Before we can decide which it is, let's examine the root-cause of these problems:

Challenger, Columbia, Katrina-Relief and Bridge-collapse/High-way failures: Gov. Agencies failure in following safety and maintenance rules

Savings & Loan fiasco, Corporate malfeasance epidemic and Sub prime rate/Mortgage problem: Businesses failures in following sound and ethical practices

Successive maintenance -related refinery accidents and Mine-collapse epidemics: Business failure in following safety and maintenance rules

Iran-Contra affair and Iraq war: Foreign policy deceit and lies

First Gulf-War and 9/11 Attacks/war in Afghanistan: Foreign policy and Intelligence failures

Why do Gov. Agencies become incompetent and Bus. follow unsound and unethical practices during GOP administrations?

Is that a coincidence? or is it because GOP Administrations follow their declared and highly admired "Get the Government off our Back" policy?

What is more noticeable is the absence of conservatives’ out-cries about these problems. You would think that those intelligent, thoughtful and patriotic people would care and raise their loud voices and sharpen their biting tongues whenever any of these things happen. But that is not the case. I didn't see anything from the intelligent conservatives regarding the recent problems of mines' collapsing, bridges and high ways failing and lenders reeling.

Are these things normal according to the smart-people's way of thinking?

Does that mean if the simple uneducated fools/idiots come to their senses and let the smart conservative people govern and run the country on a permanent basis this will be the normal mode of operations? i.e. Let things run according to whatever suits the Business Owner and don’t bother Gov. Agencies with responsibilities and competency standards.

If that is not the case, where is the outrage of those intelligent people? Why are they ignoring these major failures on the part of Businesses and Gov. Agencies?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 20, 2007
whenever GOP get control we get more problems than when Dems get control.

I don't see us as getting more problems, TA. I outlined several problems under the Clinton administration, you regarded them as less important. As was pointed out in earlier responses, yes, 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, but the USS Cole, the first WTC bombing, the Kobar towers, and OKC happened on Clinton's. As for mine tragedies, they happened during the 90's too.

The bridges didn't suddenly become a problem when Bush took office. These are roads that were degrading over years, and Bill Clinton could have just as well addressed it. They just happened to happen during Bush's tenure.

When you're looking at it through blue (or red) colored glasses, it's easy to see the other side's problems. But until we recognize the fact that incompetence knows no party boundaries and deal with it accordingly, change is not likely to happen.
on Aug 20, 2007
All I'm asking you to concede is that the DNC is equally incompetent. We don't get real change until we take a hard look even at the guys we LIKE, TA.

i never disagreed with that. they are all stupid and crooks in my opinion. the GOP just takes the cake. what I realy object to regarding the GOP is that they really think they are smart. on the other hand, Dem's are the frist ones to point to their own stupidities.

The GOP deceit makes most voters think they are the ones who will serve the country well. and i admire their devious ways. They are masters of deceit for sure.

Remember the VOODOO economics? and the Compassionate Conservative? and the 1000 points of light? and where did the USA end up after each one? .......

on Aug 20, 2007
Are you saying that Bush was the reason the Chargers lost the superbowl? Your examples are just as inane. Even more so since you are saying that pirates cause global warming (causality).

Are you with us in this world? or somewhere on cloud 9?
on Aug 20, 2007
well he hasn't answered my three charges against democrat presidents. oh and the bridge that fell along with the rest of the 77,000 bridges was known to be a problem when clinton was in office. how come if he was so great he didn't do anything about them.
on Aug 20, 2007
lets see you forgot the energy crisis when we didn't have one.you forgot the health care scare. which is still going on.you forgot about the to many doctors scare. and now we don't have enough. it takes 10 years of school, and i don't know how many years after school to become a doctor. we also don't have enough nurses.

so the energy crisis is bogus? and health care is just a scare to you? and clinton was responsible for not educating enough doctors and nurses even though he increased College education assistance?

and you want me to answer that?

I dont think i am smart enough to be able to explain all that to you. Dr Guy can do that from his cloud 9 perch. ask him
on Aug 21, 2007
so the energy crisis is bogus?

yes the crater energy crisis was bogus. this happened when i was 16 and ever time i heard about it i was laughing. because i knew at the time that 9 out of 10 oil wells in this country was capped. still are.

health care is just a scare to you

Clinton was responsible for not educating enough doctors and nurses even though he increased College education assistance?

yes the there are too many doctors in the country. so people stopped wanting to be doctors.

if you have to many of something prices go down not up. if you have to many oranges then the prices on the fruit goes down.

if there are too many of something you don't get put on a waiting list to get that item. you know like two or three months before you can get your doc. appointment.

and i doubt that he increased anything but taxes.

on Aug 21, 2007
because i knew at the time that 9 out of 10 oil wells in this country was capped. still are.

I said the same thing regarding the wells long time ago. However that doesnt mean we dont have a crisis. Capping the wells is a national security strategy .... both parties agree and know why it is done. that is another issue entirely. it seems that you are too young to remember the oil embargo in 1973. way before carter came to office.

and i doubt that he increased anything but taxes.

well, you can check your doubts, cant you? and of course, to you it seems all dems do is raise taxes.
on Aug 21, 2007
to you it seems all dems do is raise taxes.

guess you haven't been watching the news, the debates, or reading what gene posts.

no matter what they are talking about they want to raise taxes. even when they only want to return tax rates to what they were when bush took office. yes that is raising taxes. raise taxes and spend. fix anything no.

oil embargo in 1973

i was 10 then so no i guess i wouldn't remember nor would i have cared at the time.

but i know that we have the oil wells capped for that reason. that and two others. at the time it was because theirs was cheapper and better than ours. by the way we have more oil than the middle east. just not as good as theirs. this does not count alaska. or off shore drilling.

on Aug 21, 2007

You still talking about the congress? the laws were there and they didn't change, congress has nothing to do with implementing existing laws. what is the matter with you? you are supposed to be smart, remember that?

You cant blame Congress , Republicans or Democrats, for the incompetence and mismanagement of ANY president.

If that's your stance...then don't try to blame "this" on the president:

Savings & Loan fiasco, Corporate malfeasance epidemic and Sub prime rate/Mortgage problem: Businesses failures in following sound and ethical practices

What has this to do with the GOP in general or GWB in person? And since when are "these" because of the GOP?

Challenger, Columbia, Katrina-Relief and Bridge-collapse/High-way failures: Gov. Agencies failure in following safety and maintenance rules

Neither the GOP, or the President doesn't run NASA nor does congress. All they do is provide funding. Katrina, while it may finish with the GOP it "starts" with the Gov of LA and the Mayor of N.O. (both of which are democrats btw). They were given fair warning about the storm ahead of time and did nothing. Also the GOP doesn't "run" the highway department.
on Aug 21, 2007

and they started the Vietnam war?

Yes they did, or did you forget JFK was a democrat as was LBJ? From wikipedia:

President John F. Kennedy increased America's troop numbers from 500 to 16,000. Large numbers of combat troops were dispatched by President Lyndon Johnson beginning in 1965

and also Dems responsible for segregation and at the same time get the Civil-Rights laws?

And democrats were NOT responsible for civil rights. The REPUBLICANS were. As a matter of fact the "first" civil rights act was vetoed by a "Democratic" President Andrew Jackson. Go here and learn:
WWW Link
on Aug 21, 2007
Rosa Park didn't happen?

Rosa Parks (1955) did happen. And it happened under a REPUBLICAN president! Go look it up it was done by Dwight D Eisenhower and Richard Nixon
WWW Link

You just seem to be full of misguided history. I've provided links to all my assertions. I have yet to see you do so.
on Aug 21, 2007

On final thought, and you are way to young to be able to answer this (dont worry, I did not peak - it shows in your maturity).

In the last 40 years, there has been but one 4 year term where Democrats ran everything.  Can you guess what term?

Carter.  Stagflation, malaise, and the sgtart of the S&L crises (yep!  It started in the 70s, not under Reagan).  So we get rid of the GOP and what do you get?  Incompetance, unemployment, inflation.  Yep!  We REALLY need that again.

But then we wont have to worry.  He was good also at surrendering, so someone else will have to worry about it when the Dems surrender to the terrorists.

on Aug 21, 2007
All they do is provide funding

And set policies. and that makes all the difference.

And since when are "these" because of the GOP?

You can't deny that during GOP control, oversight by Gov. agencies and by Congress over Busn. and Gov. operations slows down and is relaxed to a great degree. That results in all kinds of problems.

It is a GOP principle that "nothing good" can come from Gov. regulations. this is confirmed whenever GOP takes control, at the WH or in Congress.

GOP is all about two things: NO taxes and No Gov. regulations.

well. if you do that, and GOP does that, Do you really expect anything else other than neglect and uncontrollable problems? It is a natural result of the faulty principles. btw, you can get the same result from over-taxing and over-regulations. and Dem. do that too sometimes. Not as often as GOP though.
on Aug 21, 2007
Yes they did, or did you forget JFK was a democrat as was LBJ? From wikipedia:

ooh really? but who started it? is that what you guys are going to say about Iraq? get the country in a mess then leave it to Dem to try to fix the unfixable?

from 1954 to 1960 a GOP president got us involved in Vietnam. True, JFK and LBJ were not smart enough to pull out.

YOU know why they did that? to get the answer, go back to YOUR stand on Iraq NOW. you guys always say, Dem wanted USA to be defeated in IRAQ that is why they want to pull out. That same thing was said at the time of JFK and LBJ. In fact untill now, some of you still say we could have won Vietnam if it wasnt for stupid LBJ and Nixon cowardice .

You guys have great selective memories and masters of deceit and ignorant arrogance.
on Aug 21, 2007
The REPUBLICANS were. As a matter of fact the "first" civil rights act was vetoed by a "Democratic" President Andrew Jackson

and you think the GOP of Jackson and Lincoln is the same as the current GOP?

well, old glories doesnt make up for recent actions and policies
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