Let's Think Together
Let's Think Together
Published on April 22, 2004 By ThinkAloud In Welcome
Thanks for taking the time to visite my humble site. You must be wondering "what in the world would this man have to say about thinking, let alone thinking aloud?". Well, to tell you the truth I have alot to say. The more pertinent question is: would it make a difference.? uptill now, I only used the old-fashion way of writing or e-mailing what I have to say to Newspapers, TV Stations and even Book authors. In doing that I was hoping that they publish my comments on different issues which I thought would give the general public a balanced picture of the issues at hand. Understantably, and unfortunately, they never did. So,I thought writing this Blog might be a more unbiased way of sharing my thoughts with others and hopefully we, together, would make a difference no matter how small in shaping the future. It is a lofty ambition for any Giant let alone me. However, one can always hope for the best in people and the World. Thanks again, and let's think together. The Key word here is 'Think', and let's make a difference.


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