Let's Think Together
Look Who is Talking
Published on April 22, 2004 By ThinkAloud In Politics

Every time I watch an Ad from G.W. Bush's campaign I ask myself: "Do they really think the American people are that dum?". Apparently they think so. Unfortunately, the general public gives them many good reasons to think that way. After all, Bush's poll-rating numbers are not that bad considering all the failures and tragic results of his policies and decisions. From his decieving 2000-campaign slogans to his Tax-cut-for the Rich up to and including his going to war in Iraq on false pretenses he consistently says one thing and means the opposite. Despite that, lots of people, more than 50 millions of them, still think he is doing a good job, making us safer and always doing the right thing. May be that is why he has the audacity to accuse kerry of flip-flopping. And that is when I say "look who is talking". The Media pundits let him get away with anything. They always find execuses for him. A great example is when they say "he is making us safer since there have been no terrorist attack since 9/11". Did any one respond to that? amazingly not. Not even Kerry. Accordingly, the satament seems legitimate, doesn't it? No one responding and challenging it, so it must be true. However, did any one think about this: are we supposed to have a terrorist attack every few years? Since when a terrorist attack became expected and frequent? and more importantly, what about the attacks in Iraq? arn't these attacks every day against us?

The funny thing is, no one thinks like that as if those brave youg people are not ours. What is going on here? Have we become dum or did politics fogged our thinking and blinded our vision? And the sad thing is Kerry is not saying any of that and Bush just keeps going and dragging the country down a very dangerous path.

Bush have an Ad showing kerry's statement regarding his vote on the war-cost bill. It makes it as if Kerry was caught, again, in a double-speak. Did Kerry think of responding? Nooooo, he is vacationing, having his shoulder fixed or just talking as if he is on the Senate floor. Whay doesn't Kerry's campaign have an Ad like this: "Bush threatened to veto a bill to support our troops because he wanted to give the money to his rich friends, and forced us to borrow the money needed for our troops"? When does Kerry and the people wake up? After it is too late?

I hope not.

That is just me i guess thinking loud.


on Apr 22, 2004
some interesting thoughts, unfortunately we live in a world wher the 15 second sound byte is king. It is usually easier to squeeze the accusation into this time than the defense.