Let's Think Together
Reality Vs Illusion
Published on April 23, 2004 By ThinkAloud In Current Events

Another terrorist attack in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Few people in the media, and the public, if any discuss the reason for that terror which is sweeping the four corners of the world. And the few who do, say it is because they HATE us, Americans and they envy us. They never discuss why do they hate and envy us and never think if hate or envy is really the root cause for the terror they inflict on the world.

But let's think about it. Terrorism, in its current form (i.e. by fanatics of Islamic groups), started almost two decades ago. And it started in the Arab countries mainley Algeir, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and Jordon. All of whom are Muslim countries. Did they hate these countries too? did they hate their own countries and people? When they profilerated allover the world, they terrorized Indonesia, Chechniya, Turkey and other Muslim countries before they turned upon us. Does this pattern of people attacking their own people in their own countries have any hint of hate or envy? why would they hate their own people and countries and how can they envy them while they know for sure that all their countries and people are really miserable and in the lowest possible state of affairs? The answer is simple: it is not Hate not it is Envy. It is the policies these countries are following and the direction in which they are going.

When they failed to achieve the change they wanted in their own countries, they turned on the powers that support the regimes in those countries. The root cause still the same, it is just different target.

We got targeted because we support corrupt, tyranic and expansionistic regimes in the Muslim world in general and in the Arab World in particular. They don't Hate us or Envy us, they hate our policies and foolishly think by attacking us they can change their countries. It is a foolish way of thinking, and we got ourselves involved in it. Can we wise up and extricate ourselves from their miss. Let's leave them alone and let's pay out attention to our own issues at home.

Those regimes are not doing us any good. They only bring their curse on us. Our interests are best served if we don't interfer in others' affairs. They attack us because we support corruption and occupation. We will do the same if anyone supported corruption in our country or an occupier of any of our lands.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

But that is just me,


on Apr 23, 2004
If you don't use oil, then it would make sense. However, many of the Muslim countries have oil which makes the United States have a good reason to want to have governments that are friendly to us.
on Apr 23, 2004
Additionally they have never been content to just sit by and not attck the people who "mind their own business", these folks are led by people who get off on having the power of life and death over their followers. It is the same in any cult following. Should the US stop it's involvement in the Middle East *somehow* it would not matter. We are a massive target of Envy simply due to our sucess. Success which was *not* acheived through Islam. This is far too bitter a pill for these cult leaders to swallow. They will never be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of every civilization who has acheived more than them.
on Apr 23, 2004
I think envy certainly has a part to play but is not the entire reason.
I feel there are two types of terrorist in any organisation. For want of better labels, lets call them leaders and the followers. The leaders are the ruthless ones with their own agendas, they want the power and are prepared to do whatever is necessary to get it. But the leaders need the foot soldiers, people prepared to fight and die for their cause. The followers are usually disaffected, disillusioned young men who are frustrated and angry with their situation. Often their anger and frustration is justified, having been born into squallor they see no future for themselves, their families or their people. They are envious of the west but above all they blame us for their hopeless situation....and there is some truth behind that. The leaders stoke the fires of this discontent until the followers are prepared to fight and die for them. And, at the end of this process, a suicide bomber is born.
For terrorism to be defeated it needs to be tackled at two levels: neutralise the leaders and improve the living standards of the followers. Our current policy is only to do the first as this is by far the easier course and it plays out well the news. The second part is far more difficult and expensive and so governments shy away from it. But until it is addressed terrorism will be with us.
on Apr 23, 2004
I just thought of something that blows my great theory above out of the water.....all thos guys who flew airliners into the WTC were a long way from the disaffected, poor I talk about. Didnt they come from well off or middle class families? Oh well, another good sounding theory down the drain.....I still think there is something to it though.
on Apr 23, 2004
I was going to come back with the backgrounds of the WTC folk but you beat me to it. I think the issues here are all about wounded racial and religious pride. They go much deeper in the Middle East than they do here in the West so we have difficuly even comprehending how they could motivate a suicide attack or the bombing of schoolchildren. Nonetheless they do. Nothing will stop these assclowns but death. I say that we serve it up to them hot before they serve it up to innocent civilians.
on Apr 23, 2004
well brother ,
terrorism arises when ones liberty and freedom is curtailed, when one is faced by a powerful oppressor and when one assumes that there is no other way to express ones anger and outrage over existant conditions. you do have a point
on Apr 23, 2004
Contrary to popular opinion, our oil interests in the middle east has nothing to do with our support for corrupt and expansionists regimes in the region. Many people forget we LOST this war-of-interest long time ago. In 1973 to be exact. Before the Oil embargo of 1973, WE controlled, or more accurately robbed their oil at the average price of $4 per Barrel. Even though the oil regimes knew we were their sole support and protector, our policy during that time forced them to impose that embargo due to their fear from their own people. They siezed control of the oil fields and the companies that produced it. They then raised the oil price to more than $30 per Barrel. we lost the interest-war right there and then. At the time we didn't do anything. Our interest was and is not getting the oil, it was robbing it at the ridiculeously low price of $4 a Barrel. Getting the oil has never been our interest. What would they do with it? drink it? actually they wish they CAN drink it, they need water. it is the same situation which we faced with our grains during the cold war. WE were at vertual war with the Evil empire, but we SOLD them our grains despite our trade restrictions against the USSR. And why did we do that? because we needed to sell our grain surplus. it is the same with oil. our oil supply from that region is as secure as our own oil fields no matter who is in charge there.

believe it or not, during the oil embargo of 1973, Libya was the loudest voice leading that embargo, but guess what, they were the only one producer who actually smuggled their oil to US during the embargo. The reason? their oil is specially light and the most expensive and they needed the money, they have no other source of revenues and some of our oil refineries are DESIGNED to process this particular oil. No other country will pay their high price except us. They sold it to us despite their demagogic slogans.

One more point, we only import 15% of our needs from that region and we could easily get that from other sources in the world.

Believe it or not, it is not the OIL, it is a misguided thinking behind our policies that says we Must have friendly regimes in that region. we inject ourselves into their problems, and we get terrorized for that.
on Apr 23, 2004

No, not really. I am not surprised at all that more than few people still think that every time someone opposes our policies, we jump to the very comforting conclusion that they hate and envy us. The French do it, the Germans do it and even the Brits do it. and of course the Muslims are terrorizing us because of it.

Well, let's see. If we think a little about this self-serving logic, we must conclude they hate us because they Envy us.

Let's us then ask: On what do all these people from different countries envy us? are we better than the Germans? the French?the British? and yes even The Muslims or The Arabs?. I guess the answer must be "yes". Then let Me ask this: in what way are we better than them? In wealth and resources? In Education? In healthcare? In the number of homeless and poor people?

it is obvious that the answers to all these questions are big NO. The only thing we are better than them in is this: We control our country even if the Supreme Court and some of the politicians miss things up every once in a while. AND we know it. That is the reason our policies are always toward building a barrier between whoever we can and the means of controlling their own countries. We know that is the Key to advancement and we hate to let anyone get ahead of us. It is selfeshness pure and simple. We hate to admit it but the people of the world know it. Some of them we can't control completely and they still manage to challenge us. Others we managed, with the help of the OLD empires, to control completely and block their way toward development. And here lies the problem between them and us. By protecting the regimes that supress their own people we maintain that wall against their development. And they know it.

It is our misconception that the world is big enough for only one GOOD country. It is as if we feel so insecure that we think the development of others will detract from our own. It is as foolish as the thinking of those who think attacking us will solve their own problems. The old saying "live and let live" is not a slogan, it is a fact that escapes many, and we all suffer for it. It is not a zero-sum world. It is actually a complimentary world, when others deveolp themselves or even if we help them develop, we WILL benefit from that. They will challenge our genius and we will do better, they will buy more of our products and we will be richer, they will be rich and we don't have to send them monetary and material aid. They will have the money to pay us for every thing we give them, even just mere advice. That doesn't mean we should let our guard down, we still must maitain strong defence against any one who think about taking advantage of our goodwill.

It will be better for all of us and for all the people in the world, wouldn't it?