I find myself supporting liberal politicians then I hate them when they are in office. Then I support conservative capitalist politicians then I hate them when they are in office. I must be crazy or confused. But is it really me?
When strange things happen from people, my wife says it is the LAW ...... I say what law? She says God’s law. She is never able to tell me how that is. But she keeps saying that every time I go crazy about something strange happening from people i thought sane.
It seems that every politician is conspiring against the way i want to live my life. And ...and they have lots of supporters against me.
I want to smoke, yes I do. And I like it and enjoy it. it is a bad habit, i know that. but i don’t like beer and I hate the way it smells, like urine Ughhh, do I demand that people stop drinking beer? But they not just ask me to stop smoking, they order me to. in the office and the building and in the restaurants (even in bars for God's sake) and in the airport and in the plane , for 12 hrs mind you. Over-weight humans cost the health care system more than smokers do. Do politicians order them to shape up? Steak’n cake overeating people cost the economy more than smokers do. Do politicians order them to lighten up on the steak’n cake binge. And they think that is social curtsey and responsible behavior.
I also want to drink clean water, from the tap not from a bottle i buy. i hate bottled water, it is tasteless and it feels like i am sooo hip and cool. but i am not. I am just your average farmer's son who knows that water from the good earth tastes sooooo sweet and actually makes your thirst go away. But they pollute rivers and wells and they say that is capitalists' freedom to decide how to run their businesses.
I don't want to hear foul language on radio and TV, they support FAMILY VALUES and they remove regulations which were there to protect those same values. I don’t mind a funny reference here and there to private human body parts or to natural human activities but vulgar language puts me off and takes the funniness (or the seriousness) out of the dialogue. They say it is taking out the government off my back, but they put nastiness over it.
I don’t want to know people's sex orientation; I don’t want them to know mine either. but they say this is depriving people of their freedom. How is that? Why do I MUST know that some people have different desires than mine? Why do I have to accept that information? They equalize that to color orientation or gender orientation or religious orientation or ethnic orientation. That is when i get mad. is there no sense in evaluating values anymore?
I really get sooo upset when i see a baby or a small child suffer anything, even if they are just crying for no good reason. I am a weak person in front of these little creatures. And I get mad when people say it is not our problem if they are sick or hungry or homeless AND at the same time these same people make a big fuss if scientists want to use a fertilized egg distant for discarding in research. so an egg is worth protecting but a child or a baby is not?
I get upset when a township or a city takes property by force from an owner or restricts it use just for out-of-this-world reasons and almost flip out when the people who feel the same like me about that support occupying other nations' lands and take advantage of them because we are a superpower.
Is the idea of the existence of a social humanistic capitalist possible? Is such a creature or a system exists.
I think I belong there.