Let's Think Together
Bush and his neocon can't be that stupid
Published on April 23, 2007 By ThinkAloud In International
I know that stupidity has no limit. One of my colleagues where i worked years ago had a sign on his desk that read " Stupidity is an Achievement .... Sometimes". i find it to be very true in cases where the people involved are normal educated humans and still do strangely stupid things. They can't just be simply stupid. they must have worked at it hard to reach that level.

With all that in mind, i still can't believe that Bush and his minions are even capable of that level of stupidity.

There must be a purpose for this "apparently losing effort" in Iraq. With all the sane people telling them watch out and look what is happening, there is no reason to assume that they don’t know what they are doing. They can't be that stone deaf.

So what is the explanation for what is happening? here is what i think.

Forget waiting till the government is capable of that blah ..blah ... blah itself nonsense ...... Since when we or any occupier cared that much about the land they invade or the people they conquer. As one of them recently said "there must be an advantage to being a superpower". it is their birthright or to be exact their superpower-right. to invade and conquer.

But the invasion failed and they cant concquer the people, and their butt is getting kicked, so what do they do?

If i am in their place and with their mentality and devious intentions, here is what i will do and i believe that is what they are waiting for.

Iraq can't be fixed now. and if we leave now it will explode and wipe what surrounds it. and Iran is getting bolder and more aggressive. The best way is to take a piece, one of the broken pieces, smooth its edges, cover the rough edges with glue, hard glue, and glue several thorns on its surface, paint it and put it on a new stand and declare it as new modern democratic entity.

to do that, we have to wait till all that is done. the troops MUST stay till the job in Kurdistan is done.

Once it is done, and Kurdistan is capable of defending itself and have an Israel-like commitment from us. then we can leave the rest to go to hell in a handbasket. Just make sure that kirkuk is part of Kurdistan.

What happens next? who cares? did Britain/France care when they did the same to Palestine/Jordon/Syria/Lebanon. For those who dont know, these places were one region called Al-Sham till WWI. Britain did the same in Iraq/Kuwait. there was no such thing called Kuwait till Britain created it.

Same old story. Divide them, they will be busy fighting each other. no chance to move forward along with the rest of humanity. it is not in our interest if they do that. Keep them busy killing each other. That is our Moral Clarity and our mission of spreading human rights and democracy.

How Benevolent ...!!!!.

on Apr 23, 2007
OK, I HAVE to speak up here, TA.

It's "Conquer". To "concur" is to agree with someone.

I can't agree that a) this is a united agenda, or that such a conspiracy could be so well kept without ever being leaked. I mean, to hold this kind of agenda secret for 100 years is a pretty neat trick.
on Apr 23, 2007
I mean, to hold this kind of agenda secret for 100 years is a pretty neat trick.

First, thanks for the correction, i appreciate that. i spell-checked it but concur is a word too. but lousy spellers are also lousy checkers .

i dont think it is conspiracy , they are just not saying it. but if you see what is happening in the north, you will see something is cooking there. Huge construction projects, malls, infrastructure ...etc. All that for a region of a country in a civil war???? no way unless it is not going to be part of that country. no not 100 yrs, in few yrs it will be done.
on Apr 23, 2007

Good think that correct speak is not a law.  As we have seen many people with the "rightness" of the majority proved wrong in the long run.

The stupidest question I have ever heard by a supposed intelligent (and I use that term sarcastically) member of the media was (paraphrasing) "When do you stop doing what you think is right, and start doing what is popular?".

After all, doing what everyone else thinks you should do is the stupidest thing a person can live by.

on Apr 23, 2007
Good think that correct speak is not a law

You see what i mean ..... .... , think is also a word.

doing what everyone else thinks you should do is the stupidest thing a person can live by

cant agree more.
on Apr 23, 2007

You see what i mean ..... .... , think is also a word.

At least my typos are amusing.