Let's Think Together
ThinkAloud's Articles In Misc
December 12, 2006 by ThinkAloud
When we write something we usually assume that when others, or even us, read it they will understand the words we use the same way we did when we originally wrote them. This of course is based on our collective agreement that each word has certain meaning or a narrow range of meanings within the context in which it was written. That is why we have dictionaries and other Language-usage references. Enter Politics, Debates, and now Blogging and it seems that all that collective understanding...
May 22, 2007 by ThinkAloud
There is nothing more dishonest than being morally inconsistent. if someone is immoral in a consistent way at least you can argue with them based on what their values are and try to show them that they are on the wrong side of the issue. However, when they are morally inconsistent you know that they know what the right side of the issue is since they go there whenever they choose. Unfortunately, it seems that they choose the right side ONLY when it suits their agenda or whatever their object...