Let's Think Together
ThinkAloud's Articles » Page 3
November 24, 2006 by ThinkAloud
Today's column by David Brooks in the NY Times (Nov. 23) is so tragic that i started laughing. I guess that is what they call Tragicomedy !!!!!. He is advising the next president about how to fix the decision-making process in the white house. It is good advice. but it sounded so tragic to me that i started laughing. He is talking to an unkown person who will be in office more than two years from now while we still have a president who is responsible for governing our country till then. Ha...
November 19, 2006 by ThinkAloud
More than two and half years ago when I wrote my first Blog about the exit strategy for the Iraqi war that everyone was looking for, I never thought that we will be still looking for the same thing today!!! And looking for it from the same man, GW BUSH !!!!!!. It is amazing to me that it took 6 years for the majority of the American People to see the idiocy of this man's policies. But at least the people finally figured him out. They may be slow but not dumb. It goes to show that it is reall...
April 24, 2004 by ThinkAloud
Every one is occupied nowadays with asking Bush and his people about their Exit stragey from Iraq. Every pundit and so-called expert blame him and his policy makers of being negligent in not have prepared and still not have an exit strategy for the ill-conceived unjustified war. They reason that at least Bush should have had a way out of the miss he is getting us in. They blame him even more about this shortcoming after Powel's warnings according to Woodward's book. it was reported that P...
April 23, 2004 by ThinkAloud
Another terrorist attack in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Few people in the media, and the public, if any discuss the reason for that terror which is sweeping the four corners of the world. And the few who do, say it is because they HATE us, Americans and they envy us. They never discuss why do they hate and envy us and never think if hate or envy is really the root cause for the terror they inflict on the world. But let's think about it. Terrorism, in its current form (i.e. by fanatics of I...
April 22, 2004 by ThinkAloud
Every time I watch an Ad from G.W. Bush's campaign I ask myself: "Do they really think the American people are that dum?". Apparently they think so. Unfortunately, the general public gives them many good reasons to think that way. After all, Bush's poll-rating numbers are not that bad considering all the failures and tragic results of his policies and decisions. From his decieving 2000-campaign slogans to his Tax-cut-for the Rich up to and including his going to war in Iraq on false pretens...
April 22, 2004 by ThinkAloud
Thanks for taking the time to visite my humble site. You must be wondering "what in the world would this man have to say about thinking, let alone thinking aloud?". Well, to tell you the truth I have alot to say. The more pertinent question is: would it make a difference.? uptill now, I only used the old-fashion way of writing or e-mailing what I have to say to Newspapers, TV Stations and even Book authors. In doing that I was hoping that they publish my comments on different issues which I t...